I came across this quote y'day:
"We should not go through life as some tourists go through places- so anxious to see the next sight; the next temple; the next picture; the next mountain peak; that we never stop to fill our sense with the beauty of the present one." This four simple lines left me so dazed, I was pondering what I was missing in my life everyday... All my life I had been working towards an end, but never enjoying the journey... While in school, working towards a good college... All through college, slogging for a cushy job... When will this cycle end? Working for something, after getting which I toil still harder for the next milestone... After I settle down? 2 years? 5 years? 10? I guess not, for then I would have still more grave responsibilities and much more onus on my part to push harder and harder... Brrrr.... horrifying thoughts :( So what's the panacea for this? Search for the simple joys in everything you do... Talk often to those who you love and talk still more frequently to those who love you... Call up a friend you haven't talked to in an year... Just say " I love you and thanks for everything" to your parents and see their faces glow up Talk to your first teacher and tell them how you owe a chunk of your success to them Hang out a bit longer with your friends and thank them for their sweet company Ring up your beloved when he/she least expects it and say how much you are missing them, even if you have met them y'day You will slowly see that life isn't as burdened as it would seem to be... For you have found out the most potent nectar of all... Love... It throws down barriers, helps you cross mountains, reach hearts of those hundreds of miles away... But Love's a funny thing... The love you give out, you will get back double... "Let your love flow outward through the universe, To its height, its depth, its broad extent. A limitless love, without hatred or enmity. Then as you stand or walk, Sit or lie down, As long as you are awake, Strive for this with a one-pointed mind; Your life will bring heaven to earth." -Sutta Nipata, a Buddhist Scripture Try it and tell me if it works |
reading all this and thinking about my life in present does make me feel ashamed that i can live my life differently......
but if i look back on how life has been in past, and considering the fact that i have lived it in pretty much the way i am living it now, i think that it has been okay.....
may be this just floating in the present is something which is so extraordinary that okay isnt any comparison to it...
i think i should certainly give atleat a 6 month try to this way of life before i marry..........though i am a bit scared that i might get addicted to living in this manner.....
anywazz...Good post!!!
Thanks a lot...
Just remember that Life is usually what we ake it out to be!
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